Slender: The Eight Pages Beta 0 Clean torrent

Smart was the first person horror game where your goal is to find eight manuscripts of the slender, paranormal creatures. This follows an earlier game called Slender Man, based on the same topic, but not nearly as scary or successful.

How to play smart

The basic premise of the game is, the more direct relationship with your smart mankom, the faster it will drain your sanity. So you have to be careful, do not seem toolong enemies and remember that andaobor has limited battery life, so you need to switch off from time to time to keep it. Also, the more you sprinst, lower maximum durability, so you just have to sprint, if necessary.

Is it scary?

skraalfyn, creating an atmosphere that is quite scary for a very simple game. It was just you singing your flashlight and the sound of crickets while you make your way to paint the forest in search of manuscripts. But the clear aimthe entire collection of eight pages of the manuscript are very terhaddan so the game is quite limited.

Control of the game is simple: the mouse – see your UMW, A, S, D – move left Shift – Sprint click the left mouse – click on the page select the correct – TaschenlampeQ E – Zoom in / out Technical Issues

Note that WinZip or WinRAR you should download this game gracefully.

If lean originally released, there are several series with varying degrees of quality. our employeesSoftonic key to look terrible, so do not forget to mengetahuibagaimana they got there:


Smart is a scary horror game that’s worth trying if you’ve heard about the myth of male slender or not.


Added the subtitle for the game ( “cap an eight-page”), to distinguish it from the next version.

Improved main menu and add music to it. Although now has a link to Slender Man Information and YouTube series.

sourceplus extra light (after they allowed a game).

Shadows added (not particularly need to be perhatiankecuali in the lighted area).

your jogging speed gradually add more pages collected.

Remove the expiration time for the restoration of resistance after running / sprinting, and the drain resistance is reduced. when

You begin to walk / run, but it’s interesting now 5% of your stamina. This allows it to you, jog or

Sprint for a verylong, but made repeatedly by the pipe / main sprint endurance oorsaakhul

drain quickly (effectively eliminating the former explosion).

yangjarak maximum that can be seen, because you need to get more pages. It is similar to the challenge

For those who missed the shadow of a reason the same can not be turned off.

“Skip intro Added NMenu options automatically.

A pause feature added, but you can only come if there is no static (blockYou paused the game

In response to seeing a thin man).

Where the torch will attempt to give an explanation in one hand to the other side of the wall, an error is found.

Verwydereenmod hidden (Is just a matter of time, because it contains copyrighted material).