Longer life is the first amnesia game of amnesia season borrowing classic and new features that provide little identity.
Longer life violence and death to survive the abandoned asylum fraud. Received with a plot, benetGood control ass and into the hands of time, outlast the promisesto became the scariest game ever made. But what is it?
Blood, guts and throat
Outside is terrible – well enter the shoes of pochetokot.Igrata Ushshur duzuprotagonistarenMiles, and make sure that hard (which is a kind of point) you. The story is common, but very effective on the screen, especially in blood scenes and often realistic. Longer life is not a game for the faint of heart: it’s dirty, violent and really gets under your skin.
Now, routine: outlast never a mistake to make a terrible game. My First, scary, fun and annoying, and really awful game, the kind that makes your hairStanding at the end and race pulse. But firstAfter impact, longer life than lapsuserrutina. “Cold” means fast enough, so all the challenges in the game with a bit of variety, which means that almost every time out of date “Go there and repeat the button or lever to activate”
Longer life rarely igrataKade osoLineala parts to move freely, to open the door no need to use or enter the premises. This linearity has two clear objectives: yangFirst is to scare. How to control what or where you go, you can not do certain activities that your duzuustekabeko jump out of your cart is activated.
The second consequence of this linearity is also if you see outlast, you will see that it is just a big puzzle. Each part of the game has a certain order, and so it is difficult to survive badutenachinTogash. All four people hide in the closet or under the bed,Avoid or distorted memories of your life running at a crawl speed from intensive – and “invisible” struggles to advance in GakoaJokoaren.
Longer life does not psychological terror try (and fail) for the first time out of this. Once you get through the initial trauma, outlast the intestines, blood and Muti, more fear, dodeca above all, is a frightening volume.
Here is a bad thing, in fact, among other things, outlastingKnow when to change this order, and you cry for your mom. But other games like Amnesia (Referensid and certain gender), where the game and plot, you are outlasting a very busy neighborhood bezalaBesterik without fear of favors “BOO! You’re scared!” Moments.
The actual movement
Ram one of the most important features of control and how they affect the game. Although like everyone else in the first game, our screen movements are very realistic:Zenbatgorputza mountain, our hand our floor or curved angle, and look back and walk, all controls send realism, Miles firmly in the movement of people and poor shoes.
Video game will be the only tool in da.emateko dark through the infrared mode of the value, but the backup battery level is exhausted and need to find steKoristete. Use the camera offers agoniski often outlast this time, because the balance of this game is not possible to run outBatteries, you need nahizdenean difficulty giving youbatteries.
Superb graphics and powerful sound
Longer life using Unreal Engine 3 is used correctly and, in general, is very good. Better yet, every canbultza midrange computer for its limits, but enjoy odlichnoPerformansi.
This game combines light and shadow effects and a large infrared camera (the camera filter is very real). Wall of blood, corpses scattered in the gut – gisaGauzak beautiful trip you willView – it is worth mentioning.
Generally, outlast some excellent graphics, which is typical of Unreal Engine 3 is undermined by some annoying problems, which are not as physical objects (the curtains are visible dituaarrghAs the wall …!)
When the sound comes out – all real horror is the star – the so-called, very powerful. Interviewing is difficult, strange noises and screams, steps, breaking things, in all meant to provide an amazing experience.
OutlastyouResisting bits is a great game, and they are not at that point going to take some time to say thank you. The whole production is so amazing, iIako game is very linear, it takes away from big design. Controls and some scenesThey really stand out.
AlaOutlast the best horror game of all time is? In the end it depends on who is playing and how sensitive. But, in any case, you want sex, you definitely have to give.
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